
Showing posts from May, 2017

steps to setup rman

Steps to setup RMAN This article is tested in oracle12C R1. How do we setup the RMAN in oracle? There are couple of ways, we can setup the RMAN. We can use control file to store backup catalog info or we can have separate database to store catalog info. Here I am using separate database to store backup catalog information. I am using Linux OS. Please remember, the directories and folder might change based on the operating system and environment. But the below steps are pretty much same for any environment. Here i am using ORCL as primary database and CATDB as catalog database.   Step1  Enabling Archive log. See the following link for the First step  Click Here Step2  Create the tablespace and user in catalog database to hold backup information. SQL> CONNECT sys/password@catdb AS SYSDBA Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE RMAN 2 DATAFILE '/app/oracat/oradata/catdb/rman01.dbf' SIZE 6208K REUSE 3 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 64K MAXSIZE 32767M ...

Enabling Archive log

Enabling Archive log in RMAN This article is tested in oracle12C R1. How do we setup the RMAN in oracle? There are couple of ways, we can setup the RMAN. We can use control file to store backup catalog info or we can have separate database to store catalog info. Here I am using separate database to store backup catalog information. I am using Linux OS. Please remember, the directories and folder might change based on the operating system and environment. But the below steps are pretty much same for any environment. Here i am using ORCL as primary database and CATDB as catalog database. Step1  Enable the archive log in ORCL database. Step 1.1  We need to build the pfile from spfile to add new entries. If you  already have recent pfile, the you do not need to do this step. Login as sys user and execute this to create pfile. create pfile='/u01/app/oraint/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/dbs/pfile.ora' from spfile; Step 1.2  Once pfile is created, t...